A Simple Guide to Achieving Your Ideal Future
Actionable steps to reach your ideal self
Most people have dreams. Few people have goals.
Most people want to be wealthier, healthier, and happier.
But only a few people make drastic changes to make this happen.
Our life is a lagging indicator of our actions.
If we don’t see ourselves progressing toward our ideal future, it’s likely because our current actions don’t align with those of our ideal self.
We must live as our future selves today to achieve our desired goals later.
That’s the only way to achieve a life different from what we have now.
Let me ask you this:
Suppose your ideal future includes a healthy mind & body, a successful business, and a loving relationship.
Would that version of you be eating junk food, not exercising, watching 3 hours of Netflix every night, and constantly arguing with your partner?
Of course not.
That person would be eating healthy, working out three times a week, building their business daily, and spending quality time with their partner.
Our actions today must align with the person we want to become.
If we’re not progressing toward what we desire, we need to take a hard look in the mirror and evaluate where we need to change.
We need to pave a path we haven’t been on before.
It’s uncomfortable and intimidating.
But it’s the only way to alter the course of our future.
If we don’t, nothing will change.
And our dreams will remain dreams.
My takeaway for you:
When you have 5 minutes, sit in a quiet room and close your eyes.
Picture yourself in the future and imagine you’re living the best version of your future life.
You’ve accomplished all your goals and ambitions. Your best-case scenario came true.
What are you doing in the morning, day, and evening? What actions and habits do you have that are helping you maintain your achievements?
Picture each routine as vividly as possible. Then open your eyes and write them down.
Out of all the things you wrote down, how many do you do today?
Can you confidently say you’re embodying your ideal future self in the present?
If yes, kudos to you. Keep going.
But if you answer no, don’t worry.
Now you know what changes you need to make.
Good luck.
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